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Next Up: “Gin Barrel Gin”

We’re having fun aging gin. We’ve been experimenting by aging Copperworks Gin in oak barrels with various past lives (one new barrel, the rest used) and releasing the limited-edition aged gins when they’ve reached their peak flavor. The next aged gin we’ll release sounds like it comes from our Department of Redundancy Department:  Gin Barrel […]

Celebrate the End of Prohibition!

Join Copperworks and these fine Seattle cocktail spots this evening, Dec. 5,  to commemorate the end of Prohibition: TASTE at SAM: offering an array of cocktails, each featuring a different Copperworks spirit Liberty Bar: get a flight of gin, with one or more Copperworks gins, plus cocktails featuring the gins Rock Creek: featuring Prohibition-era cocktails made […]

Fall Back — on Gin

We’re turning the clocks back on Sunday, but that doesn’t mean turning your back on gin until next summer. With the herbal nature of many gins, there are many  gin cocktails that taste just right in the darker, colder months. Here are some gin cocktails we turn to in the fall. They work equally well with Copperworks Gin […]

Beyond the Gin & Tonic

The weather is supposed to top 80 again this week in Seattle – perfect for a tall, invigorating gin drink on the patio. Here are three refreshing drinks that are just as easy to make as a Gin & Tonic.  Cheers! Gin-Gin Mule This gin-based version of the better-known “Moscow Mule” needs only a tall, ice-cold […]

Copper Isn’t Just a Pretty Face

“Why copper?” a lot of visitors to our tasting room ask. There are a few reasons why copper is considered the preferred metal for stills. It’s malleable, so it’s a good metal to work with to achieve the distinctive and functionally important curves in the pot still. Copper is also an excellent conductor of heat, so […]

Gin Cocktails To Warm You Up

Some folks think of gin as their go-to summer spirit, but there’s no reason to put it on the back shelf when the weather turns nippy. To make it more of a winter-warmer, you just dial the recipe up a bit, to let the gin shine through. Like in these cocktails where the botanicals really […]

Copperworks adds to the team

Meet Copperworks’ newest face, Jeff Kanof. For some reason, Jeff wanted to make Friday the 13th his SECOND day on the job. And he’s been a huge help even before he officially joined the team. We’re thrilled to welcome him on board. By his own admission, Jeff is a recovering attorney — having left his law […]

Now completed on our “to do” list…

Valves are turning. Steam is pumping. Fermenters are fermenting. And Jason and Micah are working like Oompa-Lompas to get everything rolling. Recent progress: Our gin formula has been approved by the feds. (Yes, the federal government has to review and bless our gin recipe. Happy to say we passed with flying colors — no do-overs, […]

Stills Powered by Clean, Renewable Energy

Our copper stills are traditional in design and were hammered by hand, the way the Scots have been building stills for centuries. But the energy driving the stills is thoroughly modern. We’re using energy produced from a sustainable, non-fossil fuel source called “biomass”—essentially clean waste wood—which is renewable and doesn’t add new carbon to the […]

Stick a fork in it…

Micah and Jason love their new forklift. They drive it around the distillery even when there’s nothing heavy to be moved.  
